Woman sends list of rules to wedding guests – soon a lot of them start cancelling

All brides aspire to have the ideal wedding day. On the other hand, there are certain aspects of your wedding that you may manage, such as the attire, location, and catering. It is not always possible to ensure that everything will proceed as planned.

Still, this bride knew exactly how she wanted her wedding day to go. However, she quickly learns that not everyone sees things the same way. To find out more, continue reading.

A soon-to-be bride posted a question on Reddit that she had been thinking about: am I being unreasonable? She commented about her predicament on the well-known “AITAH” forum, which stands for Am I The Asshole.

A soon-to-be bride wrote on social media that after she and her fiancé distributed a list of guidelines to the wedding guests, they started getting cancellations.

Before she started writing, she stated that she wanted to clarify that her fiancé had equally contributed to the rules and was fully in favor of them, so as to dispel the misconception that she was “bridezilla” enforcing them against his will.

After a woman emails a list of guidelines to wedding guests, many of them quickly begin canceling

She continued by outlining each rule separately.

The couple desired a ceremony that was “unpluggled.” Unless there was a “huge” emergency, guests were not allowed to have phones with them during the ceremony or the meal that followed. While guests were aware that phones were not allowed during the ceremony, some felt that the prohibition against using phones throughout supper went a bit too far.

It was brought up by some parents that they needed their phones to check on their kids while they were at home, but she had warned them that if she had to make an exception for them, she would have to make it for everyone. “Checking with your kids is not an emergency,” the writer stated. You’ll know if something significant occurs.

When a woman distributes a list of guidelines to wedding guests, many of them quickly begin to cancel.

The pair also adhered to a rigid dress code and color palette. Men had to wear tuxedos, women had to wear dresses, and everyone was requested to wear just black. The rule did not have any exceptions. Not an exception was her aunt, who lost her husband and dressed mostly in black throughout her grief period before eventually switching back to a more colorful outfit. Even when she said that wearing all-black everything made her feel down. Because she always wore slacks to feel more at ease with her body and because she suffers body dysmorphia, her future sister-in-law likewise had trouble with the clothing rule; no exception would be granted for her.

They instructed their bridesmaids to maintain their weight, whether it meant eating more or less, and ordered the bridesmaid outfits months in advance.

According to her, her mother was furious about these regulations and informed the bride that her wedding was doomed from the beginning. In addition, her bridesmaids have threatened to back out, and she has last-minute cancellations from wedding guests.

When a woman distributes a list of guidelines to wedding guests, many of them quickly begin to cancel.

Their flower girl was supposed to be the daughter of her maid of honor, but it was no longer going to happen. Since the wedding location is four hours away for them, the maid of honor plans to leave her kid with her mother instead of complying with the bride’s request that the flower girl be placed at a hotel with a babysitter during the ceremony.

Naturally, despite her introduction and admonition, people continued to believe that she and her fiancé were acting totally irrationally and were unquestionably “assholes.”

Many others brought up the point that although a couple’s choices might determine how their wedding is conducted, individuals are free to reject their proposal and do not have to follow their guidelines.

Overall, Reddit users agreed almost unanimously that the couple’s demands were ridiculous.

If you liked this article, you should read the one about the bizarre request a mother-in-law made, which startled a married couple.

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