Without using a computer, the instructor was able to educate kids computer science.

Ghanaian computer teacher Richard Okot’s photos went viral on social media in February 2018.

He worked as a primary school teacher in a rural community with no computers for the pupils. Richard came up with a smart solution to this issue.

He would use chalk to create computer programs that resembled Microsoft Word on the chalkboard before each lecture.

Richard took this action to help his kids learn about computers and appreciate their value.

Despite the fact that there were no computers in the school, he nevertheless intended to get them ready for the approaching computer science national exam.

Without taking into account their lack of computers, the school was compelled to take part in the national test.

Kindhearted people and organizations contributed laptops and software to the school after seeing the pictures.

Many of the students at this school now consider information technology to be a potential career.

These youngsters now have new possibilities and doors available to them because to Richard’s dedication and the help of benefactors.

In addition to drawing attention to the difficulties facing the school, the viral pictures also generated a constructive shift that continues to motivate and empower the kids.

These kids now have the opportunity to pursue their interests in computer science because to Richard and the encouragement they got.

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