What do Siamese twins look like now? They could be split up a few years ago.

Rarely do Siamese twins come into the world. Before, when these kinds of children were born, doctors would just throw up their hands and tell the parents to accept the fate of their children because they couldn’t be separated. They often said that a surgery to separate the kids could hurt one of them.

But science has come a long way, and today doctors can do real miracles even in the worst cases. For instance, Erica and Eva, who are twins from California, were lucky enough to find doctors who could do the unthinkable.

2014 was the year the girls were born. They were linked in the womb in a way that meant they could only have two legs and one body. But the doctors told the parents not to worry because everything would be fine. In 2016, a complicated surgery was done to split the kids up.

Each girl only lost one leg, but none of her innards were hurt and she quickly got better. The parents didn’t know how to thank the doctors for being willing to do such a complicated surgery.

The girls now have a wonderful life. They were given certain cars to get around in. The girls love each other and can talk to each other even when they don’t say anything.

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