The oldest model in the publication’s history. Martha Stewart, who is 81 years old, dressed in a swimsuit for the cover of a magazine.

Martha Stewart, an American writer and businessman, was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and took part in a picture shoot. She was the magazine’s oldest model ever.

At age 81, Martha stood on the beach for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue 2023, which is all about 28 women. Each woman was photographed in a beautiful place that showed off her natural beauty and made her style fit who she was.

Martha Stewart is one of the most famous and powerful women in the United States. The amazing businesswoman has fans all over the world in the millions. She started out as a model and worked for Chanel and Unilever.

The old woman really inspires everyone to love and accept themselves as they are and try to reach new heights, even when they are older.

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