No One Sees Bride’s Sickness Until Photographer Snaps Photo And Wedding Takes Horrific Turn

Jill Haddad Hawkins woke up on her wedding day filled with anticipation and a little queasy.

She thought it was just normal nervousness before a wedding.

When the ceremony started, Jill had trouble pronouncing her vows. She was in such much agony that she was hardly able to stand as she marched down the aisle.

The reception was considerably more terrible. You wouldn’t know it, though, from the wedding photos.

Jill, her new husband, and the rest of their bridal party met at the beach after the wedding to take pictures for the wedding photographer.

As the waves crashed behind them, the gang grinned broadly and joyfully. Jill looked happy and glowing from the outside. But shortly after the reception, she was driven to the hospital in an ambulance.

Her guests were shocked to learn that she had been in serious need of emergency surgery for the entire day.

As it turned out, Jill was not new to the awful pain she was in; rather, it had been hidden from her since she was a teenager. It decided to keep its ugly head hidden until the wedding day, of all days.

When the hospital team evaluated Jill, they were shocked to see that she had survived the wedding.

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