When Kevin Robert Clark was born in 1983, there was a lot of excitement in America since he was the biggest baby in the world at the time, weighing a whopping 7.2 Ibs.

Given the history of huge infants in their family, Patricia Clark had a hunch throughout her pregnancy with Kevin that the baby may be on the bigger side. She was still taken aback by how enormous he actually turned out to be, though.

Patricia and her family learned that Kevin was too big for the typical crib after bringing the infant home from the hospital, and that all of his clothing were also too small.
Kevin was already taller than most people by the time he was 12 years old, standing over 152 pounds. Kevin recalls how difficult it was to obtain clothes and shoes that fit him correctly when he was a kid because he was growing so quickly. His continual demand for new clothing made life challenging for both him and his family.

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