How the world’s sole set of sextuplets, born 35 years ago, are doing now

Janet and Graham Walton are an incredible couple whose children catapulted them to international fame. They’re sextuplets, it’s a fact! Janet had trouble conceiving for a very long time. The Waltons, though, were not about to give up. They had their fingers crossed, expecting a miracle. So that transpired. It was confirmed to Janet by her physicians that she was, in fact, pregnant. The two were ecstatic. However, they were in for yet another shock. At the first ultrasound, the expectant mother was shocked to hear that she was carrying not one but six babies.

Due to the unusual circumstances, Janet was constantly monitored by medical professionals. The Waltons matured into a huge, happy family unit. It was challenging to raise so many children. The first few years were a total loss of sleep for mom and dad. Not to mention how costly it is! The current Walton family dynamic looks like this. The eldest of the children is 35 years old now. They’ve all made it in their own fields. There is still a lot of love and affection between family members. The girls and their parents took a trip recently to celebrate a birthday and relax.

Having faith in miraculous events is incredibly rewarding. After all, it all transpired on a sunny day!

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