Cormac Roth’s family confirmed the musician’s terrible demise today. Cormac Roth is the actor Tim Roth’s son. Cormac reported last year that he has Stage 3 germ cell cancer.
According to his relatives, “his soul was filled with goodness and light, and he was a wild, electric energy ball.”
Cormac was a wild man who also epitomized tenderness.
“A kind spirit who brought joy and optimism to everyone around him.”
When we reflect about that wonderful man throughout the 25 years and 10 months we knew him, the grief comes in waves, along with the tears and laughter.

“A child who is wild, joyful, irrepressible, and wonderful.” Just now, a man. He is adored by us.
“We’re going to take him everywhere we go,” they said.

Cormac revealed to his Instagram fans in November 2021 that he had been diagnosed with cancer.

“Since then, I’ve been fighting it every day, throwing everything at it,” he said. Chemotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy, medications, transfusions, transplants, operations, and so forth.Register for Express Premium.

“Regardless of what I do, this unusual condition known as choriocarcinoma manages to stay many steps ahead of me.”
It has taken away half of my hearing, sixty pounds, and my confidence. It will continue on its lethal path until I discover a way to stop it and kill it.
It hasn’t, however, reduced my drive to live or my enthusiasm for making music.
“It hasn’t taken me down yet,” he explained. Please don’t be afraid to contact out if you or someone you know is dealing with cancer; it’s an emotional rollercoaster unlike any other.