A 24-year-old man with tattoos all over his body removes them for the sake of his child.

Ethan Modboy Bramble is a well-known blogger in Australia. With a cut tongue, clipped ears, black eyes, expanded nostrils, a sewn-in navel, and 95% tattooed body, this 24-year-old man can’t help but catch the attention of even the most indifferent observers.

It looks that the young man will never stop altering his appearance since his imagination is endless and the possibilities of modern cosmetic surgery are limitless. However, one tiny man turned the man’s world upside down when a girl was born into Ethan and his wife’s household.

The heiress’s appearance hit the blogger like a cold shower – the young father assessed his appearance critically and made a firm decision to do everything possible to return his body to its original form as much as possible, despite the fact that his experiments cost him a lot of money and many hours of pain and suffering.

The well-known Australian is now seeing relapse tattoo specialists, but with each consultation, more and more light spots appear on his body. Perhaps, when the baby girl grows up, a loving father will only be able to show her how unusual his appearance was in the past through a photograph.

What are your thoughts on the loving father’s act? Is he making the best decision for his daughter?

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